Thursday 23 August 2012


Assalamualaikum peeps. We meet again. For today's post I will talk about decision making system. But first we need to know what is a MODEL

A model is a simplified representation or abstraction of reality. Decision making information systems work by building models out of organizational information to lend insight into important business issues and opportunities. There are 3 common types of decision making information system used in organization today.

The first is transaction processing system which the basic business system that serves the operational level in an organization. The most common example of TPS is an operational accounting system such as payroll system. 

Next is decision support system, such as BostonCoach's,models information to support managers and business professionals during decision making process. Three quantitative models are typically used by this system, which is sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis, and goal-seeking analysis. 

The last decision making system is executive information systems which is a specialized DSS that supports senior-level executives within organization. Consolidation, drill down, and slice and dice are a few of the capabilities offered by this system. 

 Thats what i have basically learnt in chapter 9 of MGT 300. Thanks for reading. :D

Friday 3 August 2012


Assalamualaikum bloggers. For this time, I will talk about data warehouse. It is a logical collection of information gathered from many different operational databases that supports business analysis activities and decision making tasks. Data warehouse is needed to aggregate information throughout an organization into a single repository in such a way that employees can make decisions and undertake business analysis activities.

Data warehouse compiles information from internal database or transactional/operational databases and external databases through extraction, transformation and loading (ETL), which is a process that extracts information from internal and external databases, transforms the information using a common set of enterprise definitions, and loads the information into a data warehouse. Data warehouse then sends subsets of the information to data marts, which contains a subset of data warehouse information. 

Most data warehouse and data marts are multidimensional database. A cube is the common term for the representation of multidimensional information. 

Yet, there should be business intelligence which is applications and technologies that are used to gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information to support decision making efforts. To enable business intelligence, TECHNOLOGY, PEOPLE and CULTURE should be used to gain sustainable competitive advantages. 

Goodbye. Thanks for reading. :)

Assalamualaikum peeps. In a world full of technology, there are many different models for organizing informations in a database. First we need to know what is DATABASE? It maintains information about various types of objects, events, people and places. 

In a hierarchical database model, information is organized into a tree-like structure that allows repeating information using parent/child relationships in such a way that it cannot have too many relationships. It is widely used in the first mainframe database management systems.

Next, there is a network database model. It is a flexible way of representing objects and their relationships where the hierarchichal model structures data as a tree of records, with each record having one parent record and many children, the network model allows each records forming a lattice structure. 

Last but not least, there is the relational database model. It is a type of database that stores information in the form of logically related two dimensional tables. 

That's all for today's post. Thanks for reading. :)